Sonoco Foundation
Sonoco believes that we have an inherent responsibility to help improve the quality of life in the communities in which we serve. The Sonoco Foundation, Sonoco’s philanthropic arm, donates millions each year to nonprofit organizations across the globe. The Company’s employees also contribute time, funds and talents to a multitude of worthy causes, including volunteering, serving on boards, raising funds and participating in other civic-oriented projects.
In 2021, the Sonoco Foundation donated nearly $2.0M to nonprofits worldwide.

And $251,000 in college scholarships to our employees and community.
Our employees care about our communities and value their time spent together in service to others.
Volunteering for organizations from soup kitchens to the Humane Societies, and various other local organizations, our employees log numerous hours for local charities. They participated in the Sonoco Walking Challenge logging more than 220 million steps raising money to support Rise Against Hunger and other local food banks. Employees donated coats, scarves and gloves for in need school children, participated in food drives and sponsored more than 57 children in need at Christmas time.

At Sonoco, we believe People Build Businesses by Doing the Right Thing.
And we believe Sustainability is the right thing – for our communities, our employees, our customers, and our shareholders.

Our Areas of Support
The Sonoco Foundation supports all levels of education, including higher education institutions that supply Sonoco's future leaders and technology experts.
Health and Wellness
Health and Wellness
The Sonoco Foundation provides support to health and wellness organizations primarily through grants to United Way campaigns. Requests for support for hospital capital fund drives, youth agencies, emergency services and other health and welfare programs not funded by the United Way will be considered.
Arts and Culture
Arts and Culture
Contributions are considered for arts and cultural organizations, public broadcasting, museums and other organizations offering cultural enrichment.
Consideration is given to grants that support conservation and environmental efforts.
The Sonoco Foundation supports selected activities in the form of one-time or, on occasion, multiyear grants, primarily in communities where the company has operations.
Statement of Diversity and Inclusion
Our goal is to champion diversity, equality and inclusion. We agree to and ask all partners to affirm that no organization is excluded based on age, religion, ethnicity, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability.
Requests and Priority
A request asking the Sonoco Foundation to consider a portion of the support for a project will generally receive greater priority than one asking the Foundation to be a single funding source. This policy encourages the grantee to seek a wide base of financial support.
Requests should be for specific projects. The Sonoco Foundation prefers not to fund unrestricted general operating expenses.
Organizations determined as charitable under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, public entities or other charitable, educational or cultural organizations may submit proposals.

Submit a Proposal
The Central Carolina Community Foundation administers the grant process for the Sonoco Foundation. The Sonoco Foundation accepts grant proposals from nonprofit organizations serving Darlington and/or Florence counties.