Our integrated packaging solutions help define brand personalities, create unique customer interactions and improve the quality of products and the quality of life for people around the world. We do all of this in the service of our purpose: Better Packaging. Better Life.
Corporate Responsibility Report, 2022
We take our corporate responsibility seriously, and our purpose helps define our commitments to enhancing the experiences of our customers, colleagues, communities and shareholders. Download our 2022 Corporate Responsibility Report to learn more about our commitments and the significant progress we have made to not just meet, but exceed, our challenging sustainability goals.

Our 2022 GRI, TCFD and SASB Indices
These guidelines form a voluntary framework of principles and indicators used to measure and report economic, environmental and social performance. They also provide a standard of comparison between Sonoco and our peers.
Our Environmental Policy
Sonoco's Board of Directors, management and employees take seriously our responsibility to protect the environment in which we work and live, and will conduct our business in accordance with all legal requirements and ethical responsibilities, using scientific knowledge, technical innovation and sound environmental management practices.
- We will be sensitive to environmental issues throughout our business systems, including our selection of materials, processes and products.
- We will utilize appropriate monitoring techniques to ensure adherence to accepted standards.
- We will conduct operations in full compliance with applicable environmental laws and regulations. In those areas of the world where such requirements are at a minimum, we will operate in a completely responsible manner.
- We will utilize natural resources efficiently, continuously seeking ways to reduce our requirements. We will strive to maximize the utilization of recovered materials in the products we manufacture and use.
- We will minimize the generation of discharges to the environment, including air emissions, wastewater and solid waste.
- We will support the development of scientific knowledge relating to environmental matters and implement appropriate new technologies to improve our environmental performance.
- We will proactively assist our customers in addressing environmental issues related to their use of our products.
- We will communicate openly with our stakeholders concerning our environmental record.
- We will cooperate with public and governmental organizations to seek responsible solutions to environmental needs and to develop effective and balanced environmental standards.
Important Documents
Green Financing Framework
Sonoco’s Green Financing Framework is in alignment with the Green Bond Principles, 2021, including outlining Use of Proceeds, processes for project evaluation and selection, management of proceeds and reporting.
According to the International Capital Market Association, “The Green Bond Principles (GBP) are voluntary process guidelines that recommend transparency and disclosure and promote integrity in the development of the Green Bond market by clarifying the approach for issuance of a Green Bond. The GBP are intended for broad use by the market: they provide issuers with guidance on the key components involved in launching a credible Green Bond; they aid investors by promoting availability of information necessary to evaluate the environmental impact of their Green Bond investments; and they assist underwriters by offering vital steps that will facilitate transactions that preserve the integrity of the market.”
Connect with Sonoco
We pour our energies into meeting and exceeding our environmental goals as well as understanding the future desires of our environmentally conscious consumers. Let's work together.